Thursday, July 28, 2011

What is wrong with you people?

Tivo and Insignia struck a deal some time ago to put Tivos into Insignia TVs. I thought this was brilliant. It's one of the coolest innovations to hit tech since the iPhone (it's not a tech blog if you don't reference the iPhone in at least 50% of your articles.)

This frankenstein of a TV is finally being released... without the ability to record. What is a Tivo without the ability to record?! Who in their right fucking mind thought it was a good idea to take the relevant part of a Tivo and remove it? No one gives a shit about the Tivo menu system, ESPECIALLY because no one will be seeing the TVs menu system when they are using a DVR from their cable company!

I would like to meet the person who came up with this idea so I can punch them in the face.

Source: Engadget

Fuck Farrish Subaru

I went to Farrish Subaru in Fairfax VA to test drive some of their cars.

I test drove an Impreza Premium which had a sticker price of about $19,000. I told the salesman that I didn't really like it and I would like to drive the WRX which had a sticker price of about $26,000. The salesman told me I couldn't drive it until he had run my credit and we had discussed prices. I said I don't even know if I want it yet and if you won't let me test drive it, I'm going to leave. He wouldn't let me, so I left.

I'm also interested in the WRX STI. The salesman just emailed me:

Jackie: Hi Mike,
we have the STI in stock, it just got here today. Let me know if you wanna stop by and take a look.

Me: I would love to come check it out. Do you still have the WRX? I would like to test drive both of them. Please let me know if that will be a problem.

Jackie: WRX is sold. We don't test drive them until we have agreed on terms.

Me: How is it possible to agree on terms before I decide that I want the vehicle?